Our Hand Made Cigars:
Our cigars are made of a fascinating blend of Cuban and Dominican seed. The Cuban seed is grown in the worldwide known plantations of the south west part of the province of Santiago and the Dominican seed in the famous fields of San Victor, Moca, where we are located. The perfect drainage of a low chlorine soil with a high content of organic matter (more than 6%) makes this land an incomparable supreme class 1 soil for aromatic tobacco and the most beautiful leaves you have ever seen.
We could give you many technical explanations to illustrate why these are unique tobacco in aroma and quality, but the simple and wise words of our ancestors said it best while they saw their tobacco crops growing with their eyes full of hope "Heavenly Blessing".
Two generations of family along with almost a hundred experienced rollers who have been with us through the years are the second component of our cigars. The rest is Passion!!!
We are specialists in customized blends for private label cigars according to the different markets and tastes. All of our products are bar coded to facilitate retailing.
We firmly believe that we roll the best cigars you can find nowadays.
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